⏰Release updates

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5.4.0 (Jan 2024)

  • force-nightcycle-animation flag When this flag is set to false, players can now leave the bed mid-skip animation to stop the timecycle. As soon as there are enough players asleep again, the animation will continue. See it in action here

  • skip-msg-audience flag With this flag you can control who will receive the night skipped/good morning message. You can set this to either be for everyone or sleepers only. FIXED in this release

  • older clients will crash when bossbar feature is enabled

  • typo in one of the messages

  • time will no longer skip beyond the actual foreseen amount of ticks

5.3.1 (Nov 2023)

  • Added hotfix for non NPC error

  • Fixed a bug in PlayerSleepStateChangeEventListener

  • Updated build version of spigot to 1.20-R0.2-SNAPSHOT

5.3.0 (Jun 2023)

  • new flag: reset-time-since-rest When this flag is enabled, your time-since-rest player stat will be reset. (this is the default value) so it resets by default.

  • new flag: disable-daylightcycle-gamerule When this flag is enabled, the gamerule "doDaylightCycle" will be set on false". (this is the default value).

5.2.5 (Feb 2023)

  • It seems that some versions ago with the migration to Gsit, there might be a use-case where sleep-most got loaded after essentials causing the afk detection to break. This is now fixed in this version by adding a soft dependency on essentials. This update also includes a typo made from previous release in the config.yml. (this typo fix is not required and thus doesn't inform you on an outdated config).

Last updated