
Current configuration file

Due to the architecture of the plugin, the below results do no longer show accurate results of how your messages.yml would look like.

# To disable messages set the message to ''
# Placeholders are available here -->
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# Add multiple messages to randomly select by doing the following:
# messagetype:
#  - 'message1'

prefix: '&7[&bSleep-Most&7]'
  night-skipped-chat: '&aGood morning, %player%!'
  storm-skipped-chat: '&aThe sky is clearing!'
  players-left-night: '&bSleeping to skip night &f[&c%sleeping%/%required%&f]&b!'
  players-left-storm: '&bSleeping to skip the storm &f[&c%sleeping%/%required%&f]&b!'
  sleep-prevented: '&cYou cannot sleep in this world!'
  no-sleep-storm: '&cYou cannot sleep during a thunderstorm'
  cannot-sleep-now: '&cYou cannot sleep right now'
  sleep-success: '&bYou are now asleep'
  no-longer-sleeping: '&cYou are no longer sleeping'
  no-bed-location-set: '&cThere is no bed location set'
  teleported-to-bed: '&bYou were teleported to your bed'
  sleep-command-disabled: '&cThe sleep-command is disabled'
  insomnia-not-sleepy: '&cYou don`t feel sleepy at the moment'
  insomnia-feeling-sleepy: '&bYou start feeling sleepy ...'
  kicked-player-from-bed: '&bYou kicked &a%player% &bout of their bed'
  kicked-from-bed: '&cYou were kicked out from your bed'
  kicking-not-allowed: '&cYou do not have permission to kick this player out of their
  night-skipped-title: '&aNight skipped'
  night-skipped-subtitle: '&bGood morning sunshine!'
  storm-skipped-title: '&eStorm skipped'
  storm-skipped-subtitle: '&bWhat a weather...'
    sleep-prevented: '&cThe night is longer than usual, you don''t feel sleepy yet'
  title: '&bPlayers sleeping to skip the %skip-cause% &f[&c%sleeping-count%&f/&c%sleeping-required-count%&f]'
  no-console-command: '&cThis command cannot be executed from the console'
  no-permission-command: '&cYou do not have permission to do this'
  unknown-command: '&cUnknown command'
  config-reloaded: '&aYou successfully reloaded Sleep-Most plugin'
  already-enabled-for-world: '&cSleep-Most is already enabled in &a%world%'
  already-disabled-for-world: '&cSleep-Most is already disabled in &a%world%'
  enabled-for-world: '&bSleep-Most is now enabled in &a%world%'
  disabled-for-world: '&cSleep-Most is now disabled in &a%world%'
  not-enabled-for-world: '&cSleep-Most is not enabled in &a%world%&c. Enable it with
    &a/sm enable'
  currently-disabled: '&bSleepmost is currently &cdisabled &bfor this world. Type
    &a/sm enable &bto enable sleepmost for this world'
  one-player-sleep-set: '&bOne player sleep has been configured'
  specify-player: '&cPlease specify with the player username'
  target-not-sleeping: '&cThe player is not sleeping'
  target-not-online: '&cThe player is not online'
  insomnia-already-enabled: '&cInsomnia is already enabled in this world'
  insomnia-enabled: '&bInsomnia is enabled'
  only-during-night-command: '&cThis command can only be used during the night'
  kick-out-bed: '&c&l[kick out]'
  all-reset-success: '&cAll flags were successfully reset'
  set-in-world: '&bThe &e%flag% &bflag value in your world is &e%value%&b.'
  reset-in-world: '&bThe &e%flag% &bflag has been reset to &e%default-value%'
  not-exist: '&cThis flag does not exist'

Last updated