Debugging the plugin

How to debug the plugin

If you have any issues with the plugin, a debug might be useful to figure out where it went wrong.

/sm debug

The debug list shows all players that do and don't have x flags, and is included or excluded in calculation of sleep. It narrows down to the players that gets included in the calculation.

The players who appears red in a section, is excluded by calculation. The section explains why the player(s) is excluded.

Picture above shows all lines that appears upon debug. Note: Only those flags you have activated will appear in debug.

For instance: the flag "use-afk" is set to true, making AFK-people excluded from calculation. In the photo you can see that player Penalhus turns red next to Non-AFK players. That player is therefore excluded in the sleep-calculation, and only Villmarksjenta is included.

A common error is people having the sleepmost.exempt permission or being OP. These players will appear inside the "Missing bypass permission" as red.

Another common error is having the flag "use-afk" set to true, but forget to add the Essentials placeholderAPI extension. (Only needed for those who use Essentials plugin for AFK) PlaceholderAPI and EssentialsX required.

  • /papi ecloud download Essentials

  • /papi reload

More info: Configure AFK detection

Last updated